RAICV Course – Real Estate Agent of Valencia

Photography Course

Includes Real Estate Photography Course (valued at 195€)


Includes 3 months of free access to the property valuation application Trovimap.

Train yourself as a real estate agent in a professional way and work with guarantees in a sector in the process of change.

  • Type of Training: Online.
  • Format PDF Downloadable and printable.
  • Duration: 250 hours (to be carried out in a maximum period of 1 year).

With the recognition of:

National Association of Realtors

API Official College and Association of Real Estate Agents of Madrid

390,00 IVA inc.

This course meets all the requirements for registration in the official registers as a real estate agent and empowers you to practice throughout Spain.

Community of Madrid
Junta de Andalucía
Generalitat Valenciana
Registro Catalunya

You will learn everything you need to work as a qualified professional in the Real Estate sector as a Real Estate Agent in the Valencian Community. . You will obtain the necessary theoretical-practical knowledge. And you will acquire, from the hand of the best professionals in the sector, all the knowledge and skills necessary to perform with quality.

Training aimed at: individuals and companies that want to dedicate themselves on a regular and remunerated basis to provide real estate services in the Valencian Community on: intermediation, advice and management in real estate transactions related to the sale, rental, exchange or assignment of real estate and its corresponding rights.

Requirements to study it: there are no prerequisites for you to study and graduate in the Real Estate Courses offered by our website.

The figure of the real estate agent in the Valencian Community is one that offers professional advisory services, mediation, and management of real estate operations, both in the purchase and sale of real estate and in the rental of them since October, having completed a minimum certified training of 200 hours on real estate mediation, real estate advice and real estate management.

The real estate agent is a qualified professional, who in addition to managing real estate operations, also offers specialized advice throughout the process of buying and renting a property. On the other hand, it also deals with the selection of properties for the real estate agency or the advice to the owners of the properties.

Real estate agent course in the Valencian Community: Why do it?

The real estate agent course of the Valencian Community of Aula Inmobiliaria® will allow you to train as a professional acquiring solid knowledge to be able to:

If you have initiative and entrepreneurial character you can open your own Real Estate Agency or work in:

  • Real Estate Intermediation Agencies.
  • Commercial Department of Real Estate Developers.
  • Real Estate Division of Banking and Financial Entities.
  • Companies dedicated to the Appraisal and Valuation of Real Estate.
  • Advisory Departments of Online Real Estate Portals.
  • If you have initiative and entrepreneurial character you can open your own Real Estate Agency.

Additional knowledge and other aspects in our Real Estate Agent training

Urban and rustic leases
Real estate development
Real Estate Marketing
Real estate valuations
Buildings: Technical Building Code and its legal regime
Data protection law
Prevention of money laundering

Quality training to be registered in the Register of Real Estate Agents of the Valencian Community

Our real estate agent course in the Valencian Community consists of a 100% online training (distance), where you will be the one who decides: how and when to do it, having absolute time flexibility. During the real estate agent course, in addition, you will have direct contact with the teacher through the virtual campus to solve all kinds of doubts that may arise and to receive a totally individualized follow-up.

Upon completion of the course, you will have access to the National Association of Realtors, API. In addition, with the free entry fee and of course, it will allow you to register and access the Register of Real Estate Agents of the Valencian Community, Andalusia, Catalonia, Basque Country, Madrid and Navarra.

If you want to practice as a real estate professional, but you still do not have previous knowledge about the sector, there is no problem, since it is not necessary to accredit any qualification to start the real estate agent course in the Valencian Community, nor is a minimum knowledge required, from Aula Inmobiliaria we train you!

Qualities to be a good real estate agent

As a future real estate agent of the Vinciana Community, it is important to have certain skills, qualities and work every day to know how to enhance them:

Adaptability and flexibility: It is necessary to have a certain dynamism and flexibility to be able to know how to provide the client with what they are looking for. Being a changing market, it must adapt to it, prioritizing the needs of each client at all times.

Empathy: It is essential to have the ability to understand and sympathize with the client, since it will be then when he will know how to offer what he is really looking for and will make a difference with the treatment received.

Personalized attention: With the correct combination of the two previous points, we will be offering a personalized treatment to each client, knowing how to anticipate at all times the needs and situation of each case.

Organization and punctuality: Although they seem obvious and logical things, it is in the small details where we can surprise and make a difference for the client. Having clear information before each visit and being punctual, will transmit great professionalism and confidence.

Be updated and specialized: An updated and continuous training will provide the best treatment and advice. In addition, if you are specialized in a specific area, it will allow you to master and be able to know in detail that area and have the ability to solve any doubt that may arise to the client.

Although they are personal qualities and depend on the personality of each one, taking the real estate agent course will provide you with specific techniques and working methods more suitable for the daily activity of a real estate agent.

Real estate agent course in the Valencian Community: Do you have doubts?

If you are interested in starting the real estate agent course in Valencia this is your opportunity, although if you have doubts, contact us and we will solve any question you may have.Talk?

Module 1. Property Law
Module 2. Real Estate and Mortgage Law
Module 3. Urban and rural leases
Module 4. Real estate tax law – Real estate taxation
Module 5. Right to housing. State and regional legislation
Module 6. Real estate development
Module 7. Real Estate Marketing
Module 8. Real Estate valuations
Module 9. Town planning law
Module 10. Professional law. Professional activity
Module 11. The official registry of real estate agents
Module 12. Buildings: Technical Building Code and its legal regime
Module 13. Data protection law
Module 14. Prevention of money laundering
Module 15. Autonomous Community Civil Law (*)
Module 16. Annexes: Updated legislation
– Law 42/2015. Of 5 October, on the Reform of Law 1/2000.


This module is mandatory if you reside in: Catalonia, Basque Country, Navarre, Balearic Islands, Galicia or Aragon as they have regulated civil law in real estate matters. You will only study the civil law of the Autonomous Community in which you reside. If you do not reside in any of the Autonomous Communities mentioned, this module is optional.


Photography and Video Course for Real Estate Agents

Photography and Video Course for Real Estate Agents

Includes 3 months of free access to the property valuation application Trovimap.


QuestionWhat qualification will I get?

When you complete any of our courses, a diploma will be issued recognized by:

  • The Registry of Real Estate Agents in those communities that is implemented.
  • Association of Real Estate Agents of Madrid (Spain).
  • AEGAI European Association of Real Estate Managers and Administrators.

The diplomas you will obtain are the following:

QuestionBeing an online course, what methodology is used?
  • The training is telematic (online). Once you have enrolled in any of our courses, you will have access to our Virtual Campus.
  • Within the Virtual Campus you will find all the syllabus, evaluation exercises and practical cases.
QuestionStarting times and dates
  • There are no schedules: you can do the course at the time of day you prefer.
  • There is no start date: once you have access to our Virtual Campus, you can start studying.
QuestionHow do I enroll?
  • You must fill out the form of the course you want to enroll.
  • You will proceed to contract it by paying with: electronic card, transfer or Bizum.
  • Once the payment has been confirmed, we will proceed to register as our student.
  • You will receive an email and a WhatsApp with the keys to access our Virtual Campus.
  • Your E-Learning teacher will contact you via WhatsApp to welcome you to the course.
QuestionHow do I communicate with my teachers if I study online?

Throughout the course and even once you have finished it you have support from our center through:

  • Email
  • Internal email of our Virtual Campus.
  • Internal chat of our Virtual Campus.
QuestionCan you access more than one course at a time?
  • Yes, you can enroll in as many courses as you want.
  • If you are enrolled in more than one course, they will all appear on our Virtual Campus.

    Do you want more information about our courses?

    You can call us at teléfono gratuito 900 877 847 or fill out our contact form:

    Mark the course you want to be informed about.
    • Purposes: To respond to your requests and send you commercial information about our products and services, including by e-mail.
    • Legitimation: Consent of the data subject.
    • Recipients: No transfer of data is foreseen.
    • Rights: You may withdraw your consent at any time, as well as access, rectify, delete your data and other rights at info@aulainmobiliaria.com.
    • Additional Information: You can find more information on the. Privacy Policy link.
    La experiencia ha sido muy buena, seguiré realizando cursos con ellos.
    bilal unknown
    bilal unknown
    Perfecta en todos los sentidos!!!!
    Neil Osborne
    Neil Osborne
    Aula Inmobiliaria is a great online platform that has exceeded my expectations. The content is excellent, providing comprehensive and up-to-date information that’s invaluable for anyone in the real estate industry. The platform is user-friendly, allowing you to work seamlessly online, and having the flexibility of being able to download content and work offline when needed. The support team is great, Whenever I’ve had a question or needed assistance, they’ve been extremely quick to respond and incredibly helpful.
    Ariel Sierra
    Ariel Sierra
    Excelentes cursos!
    Stephen Gregory
    Stephen Gregory
    Very professional and helpful business. All questions answered quickly and efficiently. I would definitely recommend them.
    El material didáctico es muy detallado y está claramente presentado. El equipo fue muy útil si tenía alguna pregunta.
    Excelente escuela con buen material de estudio y actualizado y personal de asistencia y docente muy amables y profesionales. La recomiendo ampliamente.
    Josep Creus
    Josep Creus
    Excelente cursoSeguimiento PerfectoTodo ok
    Un gran curso , muy completo , con todo lo necesario para poder desarrollar te carrera inmobiliaria.Además han resuelto mis dudas en todo momento de una manera súper rápida.Puedes imprimir los temarios para poder recordar dudas en un futuro
    He de dir que he quedat gratament sorprès de l'ample i complet del temari, l'atenció és excel·lent. Sens dubte, és recomanable al 100%.
    Carles Arisa
    Carles Arisa
    Nacho Martinez
    Nacho Martinez
    Rob Park
    Rob Park
    Excellent support throughout
    Sergio Osuna
    Sergio Osuna
    Enseñanza de calidad, profesores muy capacitados a disposición, y todos los temas explicados extensamente y totalmente actualizados. Muy satisfecho con Aula Inmobiliaria. Gracias!
    Nadia López
    Nadia López
    Fácil de combinar con otras responsabilidades. 100% recomendable!
    Daniel Morales
    Daniel Morales
    Muy buena atención de todos los profesionales excelente
    Samuel Ramirez
    Samuel Ramirez
    Fantástica empresa con una gran calidad humana, profesionales y serios. Desde luego recomendable al 100%
    El entorno de formación web es muy claro lo que hace que el seguimiento del curso sea fácil y la atención recibida fantástica! Gracias!!!
    Elena Zhivotova
    Elena Zhivotova
    Hay toda la información. Gracias para vosotros
    Is nice course. A lot information which we can use. Good part is that you can always ask questions to each chapter. and You have access for one year.
    Todo y más se lo que puedes necesitar para ser Agente Inmobiliario. Plataforma de fácil uso y sencilla. Yo volveré a realizar más cursos con ellos sin dudarlo.
    Desde el principio todo correcto, muchas facilidades y muy buenos precios! recomendable
    No se puede describir con palabras el trato tan personalizado y de calidad que he podido recibir de Olga Morcillo.
    He realizado el curso de agente inmobiliaria y estoy muy contenta con el resultado, gracias Aula Inmobiliaria!
    He cursado Gestión y administracion de fincas, destaco Curso MUY COMPLETO, a mi entender.Materias claras y amplias Flexibilidad de fechas para la realización. Pruebas por medio de test acertado por el nº de preguntas y el planteamiento. En líneas generales, valoro con 5 estrellas porque lo considero excelente.
    Loreto Correas
    Loreto Correas
    Buena experiencia con los cursos realizados en Aula Inmobiliaria de Agente Inmobiliario, Prevención de Blaqueo de Capitales, Protección de datos y Fotografía inmobiliaria. Curso con información completa para comenzar.
    Excelentes profesionales. Muy contenta con su trato y con su eficiéncia. Lo recomendaría al 100%.
    He realizado el curso de Perito Judicial y ha sido una experiencia muy gratificante que me ha servido para desarrollarme profesionalmente.Muy recomendable.
    Constance Hage
    Constance Hage
    A great institute to get your certificate and I loved the possibility to follow the courses online.
    swax on fire
    swax on fire
    Ci Erre
    Ci Erre
    Muchos temas para estudiar pero todos útiles para la profesión. Recomiendo mucho el curso.
    Maria Reynes
    Maria Reynes
    Si quieres estudiar una profesión, está es tu academia, soy estudiante y cada vez que he tenido una duda o problema, me han tratado genial, volveré ha hacer cursos con ellos, son profesionales y humanos, se preocupan por el alumno, muchas gracias!
    Raquel Cerdán
    Raquel Cerdán
    Me ha encantado, muy completo y me ha sorprendido realmente. Lo recomiendo 100x100.
    Me ha encantado poder estudiar con ustedes. Conseguir mis objetivos, aunque viendo su profesionalidad he decidido ampliar la mía y dentro de poco deseo cursar para perito judicial y un master en inversiones y subastas. Tras 25 años de experiencia en el sector inmobiliario, me he dado cuenta que necesitaba realmente reciclarme y aprender toda la teoría que me será de gran utilidad para mi nueva agencia inmobiliaria.Muchas gracias por todo, nos veremos pronto de nuevo.Atentamente,Manuel Muñoz Bardera
    Claudia Fontan
    Claudia Fontan
    Buenos cursos, los recomiendo.
    Alex C M
    Alex C M
    Muchísimas gracias a todo el equipo de Aula Inmobiliaria, apoyado y guiado en todo momento para cumplir mi objetivo con éxito.Muy recomendable 👍
    Luis Perea
    Luis Perea
    Muy contento, con los conocimientos adquiridos a través de los dos cursos que he realizado, muchas gracias por toda la atención recibida.
    Una gran plataforma, y un equipo excelente para cualquier tipo de consulta. Lo recomiendo al 100%
    Han sido muy amables y rápidos en una consulta que efectué
    cristina simó
    cristina simó
    Ha sido muy sencillo y rápido. Posibilidad de resolver dudas tanto por WhatsApp como por email con respuesta rápida. Puedes sacar el curso adaptándolo a tu horario.Lo recomiendo 100%
    Kate España
    Kate España
    Una linda experiencia gracias a todos que han estado allí para apoyarme un trato excelente nada más puedo decir .Solo gracias un saludo.
    Very good course,the best. I recomnend!!
    Para mi ha sido toda una experiencia Hacer este curso con aula inmobiliaria ya que me ha permitido hacerlo a mi ritmo siempre con el apoyo 24 horas de los profesores. Gracias a aula inmobiliaria!!
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